Wednesday 1 July 2015

Sports Working Committee elections to be held in six weeks' time

By the way did any of you, dear readers, notice something unusual. The whatsapp messages, poking fun at others, didn’t come on Tuesday. REALLY?! We were shocked not to see it too. After all, there were all sorts of messages coming our way all these days. Stuff that showed the bankruptcy of minds and souls in the Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA).
So what was the reason? It has been learnt that the Tees Hazari Courts, where the sports committee election date case was being heard, ticked off the officials and mentioned clearly in its order that such things have to be stopped. Well done, Court. While the nicknames and the funny bits made you laugh and gave you juicy bits to relish, they also made one wonder if people sitting at the home of Delhi cricket are really mature. Hope they do mature, now that the honourable court has intervened. 
Anyway the news is that the sports working committee elections will be held within six weeks and a couple of new election officers, GP Thareja and Babu Lal, two retired additional sessions judges, will oversee the elections. This is after justice KS Mohi was removed on Monday. But the point is the elections can’t be delayed now.
This verdict sent a wave of cheers in the KCM (Khanna- Chauhan-Manchanda) camp. Whereas the BTD (Bansal-Tihara-Dev) group was subdued. They didn’t straightway fire mails and whatsapp messages like they had the other day.  
In fact, it was the Delhi Cricket Council, which is backing the KCM group that served out a volley sending out a message which said that it was a tight slap on their face and their tactics of delaying the elections (and thereby keeping the whole affair in a limbo) has failed. So in brass tacks, the elections will be held by early August which is a relief for everyone. You don’t want to be like some university elections, which sometimes happen and sometimes don’t.
Now the whole issue boils down to how many clubs will support the current sports working committee convenor Mr Vinod Tihara and how many the other group. Mr Tihara had recently claimed that he has the support of 87 clubs, which practically means he has full support of everyone except clubs of those officials that are against him. Now this is a massive claim. It means that either he’ll win hands down or otherwise he’ll go back embarrassed. So let’s wait and watch.

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