Sunday 14 June 2015

Case of 10 crore rupees, DDCA calls finance committee meeting

The Delhi and District Cricket Association (DDCA) has planned to hold its finance committee meeting on Tuesday, June 16. The meeting will decide on the course of action to be taken, particularly to hand over the balance sheet for 2013-14 to BCCI and get the outstanding funds released from it.  
The BCCI is withholding 10 crore rupees that are due to the DDCA because the Delhi officials have failed to provide the balance sheet, that show the financial position of a company, to the Indian board.
The DDCA has been facing cash crunch for quite a while and internal squabbles like the fight between Bansal-Tihara-Sunil Dev trio and others have already put them in a fix. A sum of 7 crore rupees is already lying with the Central Bank of India with the account frozen. The account was frozen a few months back after Chetan Chauhan had transferred the sum into the account and sports secretary Sunil Dev had termed the act illegal and lodged a complaint, leading to the freezing of the account.
A desperate DDCA had to approach the BCCI who released 3 crore rupees out of the outstanding 13 crore. The board released the money a couple of months back. However, DDCA’s dues on property tax, electricity bills, salaries and other expenses are expected to consume the three crore anytime soon. Hence the desperation to get the remaining 10 crore released from the Indian board.
“We have called the meeting on Tuesday. All the top office bearers will participate in it and decide the future course of action,” said treasurer Ravindra Manchanda.
Every association gets money from the board and a big association like Delhi gets a lot more than other smaller associations. It is strange that despite sitting on a pot of wealth, DDCA has been failing to get the paperwork done properly, resulting in non-payment of dues to officials, staff, players and ground-owners.


  1. DDCA Director 33 uninterrupted years finally exposed and lands himself in deep hole for committing contempt of court. A Delhi Court has summoned him for committing contempt of court for 21/6/15 at 10:00 am for having tampered and forged DDCA documents to defeat a court order dt.19/6/15. One in indeed compelled to ask Mr. Khanna the real reasons behind it and why even after 33 years as Director in DDCA his thirst for power and money from DDCA is not quenched. But what else could be the real motivation apart from easy unaccountable money at the DDCA. No wonder he works for DDCA as a Honorary Director 7 days a weak and 24x7.

  2. The DDCA suffered a loss of face when on 19/6/15 a Delhi Court taking strong view of the issue regarding 18 DDCA Directors holding on to their office as Director of DDCA despite having "retired" and completed their "rotational" term way back on 30.09.2014. The Directors have voted in resolutions by illegally attending the Board Meetings despite having no legal authority. Now, the BCCI Elections of Sh. CK Khanna has been challenged and the petitioner has sought the election to be declared illegal and void. Once Mr. Khanna is made to vacate his BCCI post Sh. Jyotiraditya Scindhia becomes the VP having lost by a lone vote.

  3. Can a Sports body like the DDCA which is Company under Sec 8 of the Company's Act with 3 govt nominees, allowed a person to contest for a post of Director / office bearer who has been holding the post of office bearer Director uninterrupted lay for the last 33 years. The Sports Code of Govt of India mandates the maximum period of holding office in sports body at 10 years. Will DDCA stop its Director for the last 33 years from contesting this years election or compel its members to take DDCA to court and face humiliation. It's high time that DDCA self regulates itself.

  4. DDCA Treasure face axe from court for being elected for office illegally. His election as treasurer has been challenged in court for violations of specific provisions of Companies Act. Why is DDCA protecting such violators. Is it because they are the " critical vehicle" for enrichment at the DDCA? Let the court step in and clear the mess at DDCA and spare cricket from its cronies.
