Friday 19 June 2015

CK Khanna's BCCI appointment challenged, Manchanda talks to GMR for money

In a fresh twist to the ongoing Delhi cricket drama, Sports Working Committee convenor Vinod Tihara has taken the DDCA (Delhi and District Cricket Association) directors to the court saying that all recent resolutions passed by them are deemed to be illegal, including the decision to send CK Khanna to the BCCI as vice-president nominee to which he got elected. Tihara has argued in the case that the decisions were taken by directors in early December, 2014 whereas the tenure of 18 directors (of the 24 directors) had already ended on November 30, 2014.
The case also attacks Ravindra Manchanda, who according to the Tihara group feel was already holding a post when he was appointed the treasurer. The Manchanda case had also been filed earlier despite no positive outcome for Tihara. This is a fresh visit to it.
In December the DDCA directors had decided to remove president Sneh Bansal due to his involvement of round tripping of money. They had also decided that CK Khanna will be the DDCA representative at the BCCI. This had irked Bansal’s close associates Tihara and sports secretary Sunil Dev. According  to some officials, the duo had helped freeze the new DDCA account at Central Bank where 7 crore rupees are lying. That put the DDCA in a dock as they had no money to pay officials like umpires, club subsidies and ground fees.
The case filed at the Tis Hazari also attacks directors for non-payment of club subsidies.
Treasurer Ravindra Manchanda however says that this is a desperate attempt to shake the existing order. He and CK Khanna took a decision in Tuesday’s finance committee meeting and assured the clubs that subsidies will be paid the moment they get the money.
On Thursday, Manchanda described as fruitful talks with GMR who are supposed to give DDCA over 1 crore rupees in dues. “We should get that money in a day or two following which we will disburse the money,” Manchanda said. “We have also told Bansal to get in touch with to give the money accruing from gate sales for the India-West Indies match.”

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