Saturday 20 June 2015

Court sets June 29 date for hearing EC, Khanna says these are tactics to delay elections

In what is turning out to be a desperate attempt to shake the existing order and ensure delay in the sports working committee elections, Mr Vinod Tihara and Co had approached the court challenging the resolutions passed by the Delhi and District Cricket Association’s (DDCA) Executive Committee (EC). He had contested that the 16 directors had already retired on November 30, 2014 and all resolutions after that including the removal of Mr Sneh Bansal as president were illegal.
However, the Tis Hazari Court where this case was lodged, has taken note of it and asked for a written reply from the DDCA executive committee on June 29 following which the current dispensation feels the elections will be held. It is unlikely that there will be a major change, at the most, the case will keep dragging on ensuring cricket suffers making both sides big losers. Mr CK Khanna, whose appointment to BCCI from DDCA has also been challenged says, that it is a desperate attempt by them to delay the sports working committee elections as Mr Tihara and Co know they are going to lose.
It should be noted that over the past few months, Mr Tihara and Mr Sunil Dev, the sports secretary, have blasted the current order. Mr Dev even ensuring that the Central Bank of India account where 7 crore rupees are lying be frozen forcing DDCA to be without cash. In such a desperate moment, the treasurer of the DDCA Mr Ravindra Manchanda had to call GMR for the over one crore rupees dues that have to be paid to the DDCA.
“These are just tactics to delay the inevitable and bother us,” said Mr CK Khanna. “We have to give a reply on June 29 and after that we are hoping things will work out.”

The sports working committee elections are scheduled for July.


  1. Your cricket news is biased and misses vital facts. CK Khanna has been issued notice for committing contempt of court for tampering DDCA documents much like the AAP Law Minster Tomar who is in custody, for trying t defeat the courts order. Plz publish true reports or else your efforts would be defeated sooner or later like many other sites like yours. Try to maintain equal distanceor you would perish the same way as few of your colleagues.

  2. You failed to report the fraud committed by Sh. Chetan Chauhan, Sh. Ravinder Manchanda in siphoning of RS.6.5 crores by opening an illegal account at the Central Bank, press Area Branch, New Delhi without the signatures of authorised signatory of the DDCA. Without signatures on the account opening form the account was opened much in violation of RBI norms and guidelines. Your reporting accused the complainant Sh Sunil Dev instead who has exposed the fraud. Have the guts and the courage to be fearless reporters and don't indulge in soft reporting for few favours from DDCA Bosses.

  3. The Sports Working elections are not due in July. Refrain from biased reporting and a mouth piece of fraudsters. The laft election of SWC was held on 31/7/14 and the current SWC assumed office on4/8/15. The court order dt.19/6/15 directs the DDCA not to hold election before 04/8/15. Yours is more like armchair reporting.
